Innovation Think Tank

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Introducing Kids to CS

Introducing Kids to Computer Science

In today’s tech-centric world, introducing kids to computer science is so important. Despite that the technology industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the US, many schools cannot afford computer science programs. According to Newswire, only about 25% of high schools in the US offer computer science classes. With our schools not yet able

Nest Thermostat Disaster, When IoT Goes Wrong

Nest Thermostat Disaster, When IoT Goes Wrong

The Nest thermostat has been an iconic example of an Internet of Things device, but today it is the epitome of IoT failures. Nest had an epic meltdown for devices all across the world that left homeowners out in the cold… literally. As the New York Times reports, “The problems with the much-hyped thermostat…affected an

3 Creative Ways to Elevate Your Professional Development

What does football have to do with professional development? Let me explain…sometimes I like to imagine what life would have been like if I had become a professional football player. Now, don’t get too excited, there was little chance of that ever happening, but I find it an interesting thought exercise. Call it Monday morning

Help! How to Get Hired in Software in 5 Easy Steps

Help! Discover How to Land a Software Engineer Position in 5 Easy Steps

While whispers of layoffs might be making the rounds, don’t be fooled—the software developer job market is still hot. You may have to work a little harder to land a software engineer position. And the days of extravagant office perks (oh, those free massages!) might be long gone. But today’s developers are hardly missing out.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design: More Than Just Mobile

Your business is already responsive to customer needs, but is your website responsive? Responsive web design is a popular term, but not everyone knows what a responsive website is. That’s a mistake you can’t afford to make for your business. Here’s everything you need to know to know what responsive web design is and to

Thought leadership 101: 3 places to build your online authority

Thought leadership 101: 3 places to build your online authority

Since the birth of commerce, business owners have assumed that directly promoting a product was the best way to sell it. For a long time, this worked. Over the years, thanks to the drip drip drip of advertorials, paid reviews, and infotainment, consumers became deeply suspicious of promotion. So business owners needed a different way

Mobile Applications: The Heart of the Matter

Mobile Applications: The Heart of the Matter

Let’s be frank, shall we? You’re considering creating a mobile app for your business, and it’s not just because it sounds cool. The bottom line is you would create a mobile app if you knew it would create more revenue for your business. You can’t build revenue without understanding how apps make money, so here

Crowdfunding disasters: 3 big sins of Kickstarter videos

Crowdfunding disasters: 3 big sins of Kickstarter videos

If only there were a real, accurate math formula that could calculate how important a good video is for a Kickstarter project. While 90 percent seems a bit extreme, it’s no secret that a great Kickstarter video can mean all the difference between going big and going home. While some videos have all the precision

Core of the Apple: What the iPhone 5s means for consumers and developers

Core of the Apple: What the iPhone 5s means for consumers and developers

Since the big announcement last week, one question has dominated the minds of consumers and developers alike: What’s so new about the Apple iPhone 5s? Sure, Apple added a new 64-bit A7 processor, but the technology here is just the facilitator. The truly interesting part is what can be done with the technology. The vision

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