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Worcester Business Journal logo

Worcester’s Geisel Software CEO Wins SBA Business Person of Year

The head of Worcester technology firm Geisel Software is the Massachusetts small business person of the year, the U.S. Small Business Administration said Friday. Brian Geisel is the CEO of Geisel Software, a firm based at the Worcester Business Center whose clients include iRobot, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Carbon Black and PharmAdva.

Chamber Exchange TV Show logo

CEO Brian Geisel on Organizational Success, Vision & Responsibility: Worcester Chamber Exchange

Geisel Software (GSI) CEO, Brian Geisel, sits down with Tim Murray, President and CEO of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, to discuss Geisel Software’s continued growth, success, and vision for the future. Learn more about how GSI is making a difference in Worcester and shaking up the tech space.

Worcester Telegram and Gazette

Worcester Software Developer Brian Geisel Likes ‘Problems That Are Hard

Passion is often discovered at an early age and that was the case for Brian Geisel. Software development clicked for Geisel as a successful career path and more than three decades later, he was named 2020 Massachusetts Small Business Person of the Year by the Bay State branch of the U.S. Small Business Association.

Medical Design Briefs logo

Four Best Practices for Software Testing

Great quality assurance is what turns great software into great product. As consultants, Geisel Software works with a variety of organizations, gaining exposure to many different products, development processes, and testing approaches. This provides the firm with a unique opportunity to see what succeeds for almost any project, along with common blunders.

Tech Target logo

IoMT: A Pulse On The Internet Of Medical Things

From video doorbells and digital assistants to robotic floor cleaners and smart thermostats, IoT devices have infiltrated our lives. Next stop? Healthcare. A recent study by Allied Market Research predicts the internet of medical things, or IoMT, market will reach $136.8 billion by 2021. What’s driving that growth? An aging population, technological advancements and increased […]

Tech Times logo

Bad Move, Bad Timing: Amazon Removes Encryption In Fire OS 5, But Will Bring It Back Soon

According to Brian Geisel, who has a Boston-based software company, encryption features prevent Amazon from reducing costs as smaller and cheaper processors will not be enough for such protection.

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