Finally, gardening app that allows you to keep track of all the plants you have grown or are growing and share your info with the world! The new gardening app for iOS and Android provides growers with the opportunity to be a part of a community who share their planting and growing history. The app allows you to track what you grow and to see how well crops grew for other citizen scientists in your area or around the country. You can also track your garden on the website!
Heidi Rader (an Extension Agent at the University of Alaska Fairbanks) teamed up with Geisel Software to create an iOS app, Android app, cloud service and website that all work to realize the vision of finding out “What grows where?”
Find Out What Grows Where With New Gardening App
At the Grow&Tell App and Website, citizen gardeners and farmers like you are helping answer this question: What plant varieties grow best where? There are thousands of varieties or cultivars of vegetables, flowers, and fruits. Right now, we are just focusing on vegetables.
The more information citizen gardeners enter, the better idea we have of which varieties are most productive in which locations. Your zone and your microclimate play a big role in the success of specific varieties in your area. In addition to having you share how productive a certain variety is, we want to know how you would rate its taste and how reliable is its performance from year to year.
Variety trials were once limited to Agriculture Experiment farms or commercial farms which may be far away from where you live. That’s why it’s important to report what grows well in your neck of the woods. Not only will you help other gardeners and farmers be successful, you’ll also generate your own garden journal that will be invaluable in the future for you.
View ratings and reviews: Anyone is welcome to view variety ratings and production data without creating a profile. If you find it useful, we hope you will contribute your findings to the site to make it even better!
iOS Gardening App Crop Page